Dance Classes
The studio is air-conditioned with semi-sprung floor. We have fully qualified teachers who are CRB checked and first aid trained. For enquiries on dance lessons please contact us on 01325 355273 or 07770 226806. You can also email on sue@borntodancedarlington.co.uk

Dance Exams
R.A.D & B.T.D.A exams are optional but they do tend to give pupils more confidence and a feeling of achievement. All medal exams (except baby mime) require a costume and make-up to be worn. Costumes may be hired.
- £3.40 ½ hr lessons
- £5.00 ¾ hr lessons
- £6.00 1hr lessons
- £10.00 ½ hr private lessons
- £3.00 ½ hr use of practice studio
- Half fees for missed lessons

Dance Classes Daily
“This is the best dance school in town! Well disciplined and Miss Sue has numerous qualifications displayed throughout the school. Always achieving excellent exam results and the shows they put on are fantastic. My daughter dances there 4 days a week and would go more if I would let her!! Highly recommended.”
Our amazing Dance School
Pupils may take part in shows, festivals and