Frequently Asked Questions
How much do lessons cost?
- £3.40 ½ hr lessons
- £5.00 ¾ hr lessons
- £6.00 1hr lessons
- £10.00 ½ hr private lessons
- £3.00 ½ hr use of practice studio
- Half fees for missed lessons
Taken 6 days per week. Pupils may take part in shows, festivals and exams if they wish.
Fee’s may be paid weekly or each term. If paying weekly-a fee, half fees will be required for any missed lessons, for any reason, to hold the pupils place. A phone call prior to the lesson would be appreciated.
Parents may not stay with the children during class as better results are gained if their concentration is not disrupted. An open day is held once a year where parents/guardians can see how pupils have progressed and this is where awards are given out. Pupils are also involved in displays, shows and exams where they can be seen throughout the year.
Are exams compulsory?
Exams are optional but they do tend to give pupils more confidence and a feeling of achievement. All medal exams (except baby mime) require a costume and make-up to be worn. (Costumes may be hired from us for the exam day if needed).
Parents are informed of exams approx. 3-4 weeks before the fee’s are due.
Jewellery and Make-up
No jewellery or make-up to be worn in class.
We hold no responsibility for loss or injury caused by wearing of such items.